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Wall Memorials

On the south wall of the Sanctuary is a wall tablet of white and grey marble, to the memory

of Dr. Thomas Tooke, Rector, who died on 29th May, 1721, aged 54 years.

Against the south wall of the Chancel is a monument of white marble to the memory of the

Revd. John Tooke, A.M., ob., Nov. 6th, 1745, at. 67, and of his family: in height it is about nine

feet, and of pyramidal shape.


Near the communion rails is buried the body of the Reverend Michael Tyson, F.R.S., B.A.,

1764, M.A., 1767, B.D., 1775, only child of the Reverend Michael Tyson, Dean of Stamford, by

his first wife, the sister of Noah Curtis, of Walsthorp, in Lincolnshire, born in the parish of

All Saints, Stamford, November 19th, 1740, a celebrated antiquary and rector of this parish; but there is neither stone nor inscription to record his death and burial.


                  Mr. Gough, in his CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA, observes, "At the foot of the bishop's tomb was laid,                        May 6th, 1780, a friend to whose pencil and taste these sheets would have been much                                  indebted, had he not been cut off in the early enjoyment of all his wishes."


                  There are a number of interesting 17th and 18th century mural tablets and monuments to                            members of the Lockwood family. Among the more important, from the artistic point of view                        are:


On the north side of the chancel a monument of white marble; in the upper part of which is a representation of Hope, with an anchor attached to her left hand, and her right reclining upon an arm, in alto relievo. This is the work of Joseph Wilton, R.A., sculptor to George Ill. The Revd. Michael Tyson, Rector, in a letter to Richard Gough (see Nichol's Literary Anecdotes, vol. 8, p. 637) of November 15th, 1778, writes:

"One of the most elegant modern monuments 1 ever saw was last week put up in my church for a

Lockwood I had ten guineas for allowing it a place."


In the window on the south wall of the nave, is a marble tablet surmounted with a classically

decorated lamp of the same materials. The memorial is to Matilda Lockwood Maydwell and is

the work of Flaxman.


On the south wall is a memorial tablet to George Lockwood, Captain in the 8th Hussars, who

died on October 25th, 1854, in the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava while acting as A.D.C.

to the Earl of Cardigan.

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